Using Donated Embryos is Affordable and
Combines the Best Aspects of Egg Donation with Adoption

Donor Embryos
The California Conceptions Donor Embryo Program offers a unique and affordable alternative to IVF and adoption. Using donor sperm and eggs, the program creates embryos for recipients instead of using embryos donated by another couple. The program provides up to three transfer attempts with a high success rate in most cases. Patients can review donor information before accepting embryos, and the program offers a refund option for qualified individuals.
Since 2010, the program has attracted patients from other states and other countries due to its high success rates and availability of embryos. Anonymously donated embryos offer hope to those with advanced reproductive age, same-sex couples, and individuals with multiple failed IVF attempts. With the California Conceptions Donor Embryo Program, a normal uterus and three transfer attempts will typically result in a very high cumulative success rate. The package price for the three transfer attempts makes the program a very affordable alternative to the high cost of donor egg cycles at other centers.
Genetic Screening Now Available
The California Conceptions program now offers an option for genetic screening of embryos. Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS / PGT-A) will evaluate the embryos using genetic testing to determine if the correct number of chromosomes is present. This testing has been associated with higher pregnancy rates, lower miscarriage rates, and avoidance of genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome. The PGS option offers up to 3 transfers using one genetically tested embryo with each attempt. Gender selection is available at no additional costs. Alternatively, patients may choose to not know the gender of the embryo. The refund option uses the same criteria as the regular program. The PGS option has a slightly higher cost than the regular program and the refund option will not refund 100% of treatment costs.