California Conceptions Steps to Pregnancy
Call us or use the contact form to get more information about our program. We are happy to answer questions to help you decide if the California Conceptions Donor Embryo Program is right for you. If you are comfortable with the program and desire to move forward, simply complete the recipient profile form online and we will schedule a detailed discussion with a treatment coordinator.
If you are ready to start the process of using the California Conceptions program, simply complete the recipient profile. After we receive your information, you will be scheduled for a consultation with one of our treatment coordinators. During this discussion, the coordinator will review all aspects of the program and answer questions. Please remember that the coordinators are not able to offer medical advice.
If you would like to proceed with the California Conceptions Donor Embryo Program after your consultation with the treatment coordinator, you will be scheduled with a consultation with one of our physicians. You will need to complete an online medical history before the consultation. The physician will review your medical history and advise you of any recommended tests. These tests usually include blood tests and a saline contrast ultrasound. Other tests and medical consultations may be required.
The California Conceptions Donor Embryo Program follows the American Society For Reproductive Medicine’s (ASRM) guidelines for third party reproduction for donors and recipients. Recipients of donor embryos are required to undergo counseling with a mental health provider familiar with, and experienced with, ASRM’s recommendations for counseling. This is not the same as marital counseling or counseling for infertility. Our clinic must receive a copy of the provider’s letter or notes documenting the counseling.
After the consultations and required testing is complete, patients are offered a match to a donor embryo profile. Using the recipients information from the initial profile form, we make matches by selecting an egg donor and sperm donor that are similar to the recipients. The recipients receive detailed information from the egg donor and sperm donor and have the option to decline the profile if the match isn’t desired.
The treatment process involves the use of medications to prepare the lining of the uterus for pregnancy. Patients will receive a calendar outlining the medications and treatment plan. Ultrasounds are used to monitor the progress of the uterine lining and check for ovarian cysts which may interfere with the treatment plan.
After the lining of the uterus is prepared, progesterone is initiated to synchronize the lining of the uterus with the embryos. The transfer procedure requires a full bladder but is usually painless. Approximately 8 to 10 days after the transfer, patients will have their first pregnancy test. If this test is positive, we perform another test 2-3 days later. If all goes well, an obstetrical ultrasound can be performed approximately 3 weeks later. Once pregnancy is confirmed, patients are advised to follow up with their own obstetrical provider.
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